For individuals applying for a federal government job. A 4 to 6 pages long document specifically formatted according to the requirements of your targeted federal job.
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Have you been looking for a job in the state and don’t know where to start even though you have the required qualifications and skills? Well, just like every other job, the first step towards getting a good federal job is to have an unbeatable resume; the one that bounds the recruiter to hire you. AnchorResume offers professional Federal Resumes for all industries and levels and for all individuals who want to pursue a career-changing federal job. Just like the name suggests, a federal resume is the alternate version of a regular resume that is used when you are applying for a job in the federal government.
The main difference between a regular resume and a federal resume is that it is longer and contains more personal information. While a regular resume is usually 1 to 2 pages long, a federal resume exceeds even 5 pages sometimes, depending upon the years of work experience you have. It also contains a lot more information and includes everything like your GS grade, citizenship status, working hours, and much more that we do not disclose in a traditional resume. Our certified writers know exactly what information needs to be included in your resume and how because they know all the requirements of federal professionals and since federal resumes are tailored for federal recruiters and HR managers, we get it right every time!
It sells all your skills and abilities, as well as accomplishments in a way that matches the requirements of the targeted federal job. Not only does a professional federal resume help you sell your strongest skills and key achievements but they also make you the perfect candidate for the job. All that you have accomplished in your previous jobs, whether they were federal or not, is presented in a way that it all looks relevant to your targeted job and that is all that’s needed to impress the recruiter.
A federal resume is not only about including exclusive information, it is also about getting the format and structure right. Since a federal resume is more comprehensive and formal, it has a different format than a regular resume which is required by the federal government hiring agencies. It is also a difficult task to ensure that the standard format is met since a federal resume is so long and the format has to be maintained. However, our top-notch writers have years of experience and are known to provide the best resume-writing services in Colorado which is why they can create amazing federal resumes that are bound to get the job done.
Unlike regular resumes, federal resumes are considered to be put on a pedestal which means they are judged on a very high and different standard. Proper structuring is also one of the factors that federal resumes are judged on. A proper structure means that the resume is easy to read and skim through as well as all your skills and abilities are easily visible. Anchor Resume understands just how important these details are and how much depends on each and every word, especially considering the sky-high competition in the federal job market.
A federal resume is the most detailed account of all your previous work experiences and work history. Simply writing down the company name and your designation in a federal resume will not cut it. You will need to include everything from A to Z about your work history. From the starting date of every job you have done to the ending date, from the number of hours you worked to the detailed and full-length description of your daily responsibilities, from the contact details of your employer to any special awards or key achievements you accomplished during your time of the job, a federal resume skips out on nothing and should include every aspect of your professional career.
The same goes for education, the more details you provide the better. Only listing out your education by including the degree and institute name is not enough for a federal resume. The educational experience is especially really important if you lack professional work experience or are a fresher. Your federal resume will contain every detail about your educational qualifications including the start and end date, the degree title, credit hours, any awards or honors you received, or any relevant projects or coursework that you did. You can also include details like memberships to any prestigious or well-known educational or professional societies. Do not miss out on any detail and keep your education section very comprehensive and detailed.
There are as many jobs available in the federal government as anywhere else, the scope is huge with a wide variety that only keeps on introducing more and more jobs daily. Here are a few jobs that may require you to submit a federal resume in your job application:
Law enforcement positions like coast guards, police, security, criminal investigation, forensic analysts, or border security may require a federal resume.
Choosing a Legal position in a federal resume, like becoming a judge, victim advocate, attorney, or legal secretary may also require you to submit a federal resume.
If we talk about the field of medicine, it also includes a lot of federal government jobs that will require a federal resume such as a nurse, doctor, medical technician, forensic, veterinarian, physical therapist, and many more.
The IT sector also has a lot of federal government jobs that will require a federal resume. These positions include Cyber Security, SQA, Data Scientist, Support Specialist, Software Developer, and Information Security Analyst.
AnchorResume offers the best professional federal resumes, no matter which type of job you are applying to, be it a job in the IT sector, international relations, the medical sector, or you are on your way to becoming a law enforcement official. AnchorResume offers the best professional federal resume services that will help you impress the recruiter and start your federal government journey.